No Site Left Behind! Opportunities for Streamlining Clinical Start-Up
Monday March 26, 2018, 12:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Dominion Ballroom, Sheraton Centre Hotel
We will bring together research teams, sponsors, CROs and legal professionals to address challenges along the path of study start-up and share strategies, tools and knowledge for maximizing study start-up efficiency.
HOW TO SIGN UP: To register for this workshop, please email Brian Craig with your name, title and institution. Space is limited!
FEE: Complimentary for registered conference delegates, $100 for non-conference attendees.
- A deeper understanding of the global environment for clinical trials and the impact of site performance on trial placement
- Knowledge about site and sponsor considerations for budgeting and contracting
- An opportunity to review strategies and processes for managing study start-up and identify gaps
- Information on existing and upcoming tools and resources that can support study start-up and maximize performance
- First glance at CTO’s Streamlined Study Start-up pilot program
- New connections with diverse clinical research professionals
Global landscape and clinical site selection
The ways in which clinical trials are being planned for and conducted is constantly evolving around the world. How is Canada keeping up with the changing global landscape and how do Canadian sites compare in terms of performance with other countries? This session involves a thoughtful assessment of these questions and highlights how site performance in the start-up phase impacts the availability of studies to Canada.
So much to do and not enough time: strategies for prioritizing start-up activities
Effective and efficient project management is key to successful clinical trial start-up, but what are the strategies and metrics needed to achieve this? In this session, we will share operational strategies, processes and metrics that have been successfully implemented across clinical research sites to improve start-up timelines performance.
Contracts: the in’s, out’s and in-between’s
This session will focus on how to recognize core components of contracts, handle and negotiate contracts, identify appropriate parties, and understand and manage common”trouble” clauses. Best practices for effective and efficient contract execution will also be discussed.
How to optimize your experience and timelines with CTO Stream
Participation in CTO’s streamlined research ethics review system is growing, and thus it’s important to review how the system is performing and meeting the needs of research teams and REBs across Ontario. This session will highlight metrics, best practices, and tips for using Stream. Attendees will hear from those who have benefited from the system and be presented with tools that help save time and provide the support and information needed.
WORKSHOP: Designing a Streamlined Start-up Pilot Program
In this exploratory workshop, attendees will have a chance to discuss and share ideas for streamlined start-up efficiencies in all areas of start-up, including contracts, budgeting and centre approvals.