Mani Kang
Senior Director, Research Operations and Chief Operating Officer at Unity Health Toronto
Mani Kang is the Senior Director, Research Operations and Chief Operating Officer at Unity Health Toronto. Mani is responsible for the fiscal performance and operating portfolios within the research enterprise at Unity Health Toronto such as research contracts, business units, digital, and employment. Prior to joining Unity Health Toronto, he held leadership roles at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital and the University Health Network. In addition to his institutional operational leadership roles, his health research experiences span across pediatrics to the elderly, and in specialized disciplines including diagnostic imaging, laboratory medicine and biobanks.
Mani has represented the interests of the health research sector at national and provincial venues and was a member of the Ontario Health Association’s Health Research and Innovation Committee until 2023. Mani’s focus throughout his career has been enabling health research through digital and operational innovation with an emphasis on leveraging public-private partnerships.
Mani holds an MBA from the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University, as well as a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science degree from York University. Additionally, Maholds a Project Management Professional designation.